Fall Term 2024 Theses Deadlines (February 2025 degree candidates)
Friday, February 9, 2024: Registration Day (Penultimate Term)
- Deadline for Dual Degree students to submit Dual Degree petition to institute.
- E/signed OGE General Petition due via DocuSign to
- Petition must include approved pdf of dual degree coursework plan and indication of co-thesis advisor in secondary department (some dual degrees require additional paperwork)
- E/signed OGE General Petition due via DocuSign to
Tuesday, September 3, 2024: Registration Date
- Deadline to Submit Thesis Committee Members: Email with names, roles, and email addresses of Thesis Committee members
- You and your committee will then be sent a DocuSign version of the Thesis Proposal Form to fill in and collect esignatures
- Each DocuSign form must be generated separately and cannot be created until all email addresses are collected
Friday, September 6, 2024
- Registration: 4.THG, 24 units
- Degree list: Put yourself on the February degree list by applying for a degree
- 9am ESigned Thesis Proposal Form due via DocuSign (this includes a working thesis title and signatures; it does not include an abstract)
- All signatures must be on a single form (this includes a working thesis title and signatures; it does not include an abstract)
- Joint Thesis writers must also submit an OGE General Petition to, including a statement of contribution from each writer (see Joint Thesis for details)
September 9–13, 2024: Proposal Review (scheduled in conjunction with Thesis Coordinator)
Wednesday, September 25, 2024: 10–11am
- Planned Media Lab site visit with Tessa and representatives from STOA and MIT AV
October 4, 2024: Critic Requests due to Thesis Coordinator
Friday, October 4, 2024 – Add date
Week 7 of term: International Students Only
- Earliest date to begin OPT authorization process
- It is important to plan ahead as processing times for F-1 Post-Completion OPT, by application with USCIS, can take on average 90 days for USCIS to process. J-1 Academic Training requires that a student secure a training position/job that begins within 30 days of degree completion in order to apply for AT authorization.
Week 8: (October 24-25, 2024, 9am-noon): Midterm Reviews, Long Lounge and adjacent dome spaces
- With invited internal critics
Wednesday, October 30, 2024: Floor Plans due to Student Services
- Needs to include furniture requests, MIT AV requests, catering requests, and most importantly floor plans (map of where pin up boards, tables, etc. will be placed)
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
- Lord Jim visits MArch Thesis
- Kateri visits MArch Thesis (via zoom)
Friday, November 1, 2024: Thesis need requests due to this GoogleForm
- Available materials:
- 3 iPads without tripods (STOA)
- 3 TV screens on wheels (Architecture)
- 4: 65”, 2: 70”, 2: 55”, 1: 47” from studios (7-434 65” * 2 70” 55” 47” 7-403 65” 3-415 70” 55” 10-485 65”)
- TV Wall in Silverman Room (Media Lab)
- 1 Projector in Lecture Hall (Media Lab)
- 4 projectors in the Multi-Purpose Room (2 each on 2 walls adjacent to each other) (Media Lab)
- Banquet tables, conference tables, high top tables, etc. (see furniture list from Media Lab)
- Notes on space: We are unable to pinup anywhere except on the pinup boards specifically rented for the event and nothing may be placed on the glass floor in the Winter Garden: Media Lab Space Restrictions. We work to accommodate accessibility principles (no less than 36” between doorways or around presentations to allow for access, etc.): ADA compliance. Scaled version of Media Lab 6th floor
- There are 48 pinup panels (4ft x 8ft) and 42 lights, which can be attached to the top of individual panels
Week 10 of term: Website Materials due to cohort’s Dropbox
- Please note that we don’t expect what you put in the folder to be finalized; we will collect final content towards the end of the semester
- 1. A text document (Word, Pages, txt, or rtf), including Thesis Title (exact formatting), Name(s) as you would like it/them displayed on the thesis website (i.e. Jim or James), Committee (advisor and readers indicated), Thesis statement (200-500 words)
- 2. Media 5 – 10 images (JPEG or PNG), each file as compressed as possible, Thesis PNG ‘icon’ or ‘logo’ (i.e. a ‘cut out’ image without a background, maximum dimension 250px for main page), Audio recording (MP3) of you reading your thesis statement
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 – TBD
- STOA visits MArch Thesis
November 18-22, 2024: Penultimate Review (scheduled in conjunction with Thesis Coordinator)
- Thursday, Nov 21 + Friday, Nov 22, 9am-noon, Long Lounge
Monday, December 2, 2024
- Submit digital information and images about your thesis for the Final Review Pamphlet via Dropbox folder (provided to you by Communications Team) by 9am
Wednesday, December 4, 2024: noon
- Review pamphlet proof due. This is for typos only: this will not be a time to switch images or content
- Final pamphlet link
Week 15 of term (exact date TBD)
- Final website ( submissions due via cohort’s Dropbox
- Note video files are not compatible with the platform, so moving media is restricted to GIF-type files
- Please include any images, thesis statement, and roles/names of thesis advisor and readers
Friday, December 13, 2024
- Last date to change thesis title via WebSIS
- You must return to the online site of your application and add or make a change to your thesis title by this deadline. The title on your final thesis must be an exact match of the one you submit on your Application for Degree. If you add your title after this date, you will be charged a late fee.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024: late afternoon/evening
- Load-In (details below from Lord Jim):
- The “All clear” to start bringing your materials over will probably be after 2pm (may be as late as 5pm!).
- MIT ID card will allow you to swipe your way through the main doors to E14 at any hour and use any E14 elevator card reader. There is a freight elevator by the loading dock at the rear of the 1st floor.
- A representative sample only of Long Lounge model bases will be brought over by truck. These will be available on a first-come, first-served basis in E14 6th floor. If you have some special requirement or need for a particular shape or size base, then contact Lord Jim well in advance.
- If you have a large, heavy model that would be best transported by truck, please contact Lord Jim well in advance. It must be ready for pickup on (date TBD), at 8:00am in one of the thesis studios.
- Anything that we transport will be returned by truck on (date TBD).
- PLEASE NOTE: OUR TRANSPORTATION OF YOUR MODEL IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. WE WILL NOT BE REPSONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS. We will make every effort to move your work carefully, but these are movers, not art conservators.
- The E14-670 catering kitchen will be used as a storage area for your materials. Do not block the circulation path or the rear door of the freight elevator.
Thursday, December 19, 2024: Final Review & Load-Out
- With invited external critics
- From Lord Jim: ALL MATERIALS MUST BE REMOVED FROM E14 BY 8:00AM ON 12/22. We are under a lot of pressure to return these rooms promptly to a clean and empty condition. YOUR COOPERATION IS EXPECTED AND APPRECIATED.
- Studio Clearout notes from Lord Jim: MArch thesis students to use the designated space in 5-414 for storage ***BUT only until the day of the thesis review Thursday, 19 December***. All must be removed by 19 December. I will be cleaning out the 5-414 studio for the end of the semester and anything left behind will be disposed of without exception. Remember that the 11.360 class will have ended by then and you will also have one-half of the 7-403 thesis studio available to store your models after the E14 review.
- Lord Jim will post the updated assignment plan to the studio door. PLEASE DO NOT place any thesis materials elsewhere in the 5-414 studio.
Friday, December 20, 2024:
- Documentation 3-329 with professional photographer
- Please arrive 15 mins early to the space. Outside, you will find a table and brushes for dusting off your model. Please clean and assemble your model (including the bottom) outside of the space before you enter the room.
- A single speck of dust on the camera lens can trigger the sensors and ruin not only your photos, but those of your colleagues.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please email
TBD – either mid fall term or early January
- Thesis Formatting Q&A via Zoom
Monday, January 6, 2025: 9am deadline to submit theses to the Department Thesis Submission Portal
(choose “Single Sign On” and login with your MIT email address)
- Note: Your final thesis book must be reviewed and approved by thesis advisor(s) via eSignature pdf before submission to the Department Thesis Submission Portal.
- This is for the purpose of making certain the document is in compliance with MIT archive requirements. You will be contacted quickly if adjustments are needed. Please do not email separately.
- Dual degree candidates must abide by their home department’s deadlines and protocols (for example, Architecture cannot accept digital copies of the thesis with signatures).
Friday, January 17, 2025
- All theses must be cleared by each department (multiple departments for dual degrees) and submitted to the Institute.
- If a thesis is not approved by both thesis advisor and the Department this point, the student may be pulled from the February degree list.
Wednesday, February 25, 2025
- Degree award date.
Last week of May 2025
- Wednesday, May 28, 4 – 6pm (expected) – Architecture Department’s End of Year Celebration / Awards Ceremony on Walker Lawn
- Thursday, May 30 (expected)
- Spring 2025 Thesis students’ degree award date
- SA+P Advanced Degree Ceremony in Kresge Auditorium
- OneMIT Ceremony on Killian Court for all graduates
- More details, as they become available, will be posted on
Formatting, Specifications & Thesis Submission
Important: Consult the Formatting, Specifications and Thesis Submission information page.
Friday, September 6, 2024: Registration Day (Penultimate Term)
- Deadline for Dual Degree students to submit Dual Degree petition to institute.
- E/signed OGE General Petition due via DocuSign to
- Attachments must include dual degree coursework plan and indication of co-thesis advisor in secondary department (some dual degrees require additional paperwork)
- E/signed OGE General Petition due via DocuSign to
Wednesday, November 20, 2024: Drop Date (Penultimate Term)
- Deadline to Submit Thesis Committee Members
- Email with names, roles, and email addresses of Thesis Committee members
- You and your committee will then be sent a DocuSign version of the Thesis Proposal Form to fill in and collect esignatures
- Each DocuSign form must be generated separately and cannot be created until all email addresses are collected
- Email with names, roles, and email addresses of Thesis Committee members
Friday, December 13, 2024: End of Reading Period (Penultimate Term)
- 9am Thesis Proposal Form due via DocuSign
- All signatures must be on a single form
- Joint Thesis writers must also submit an OGE General Petition to, including a statement of contribution from each writer (see Joint Thesis)
Monday, December 2, 2024 – Monday, January 6, 2025
- Pre-Registration: 4.THG, 24 units
Friday, February 7, 2025
- Registration deadline. Note: You will be unable to register until your completed Thesis Proposal Form has been received with all e-signatures
- Degree list: Put yourself on the May degree list by applying for a degree
- For Joint Thesis students only esigned OGE General Petition due to
- Please note the Institute requires joint thesis writers to graduate on the same degree list (September, February, or June). So, if joint thesis writers decide to unjoin their thesis, each writer must submit a wholly separate thesis to the Institute.
- It is filled out by one student (but includes both students’ information), then is esigned by the thesis advisor(s) as “Academic Advisor,” then comes to Kateri as “Graduate Administrator,” and it includes a pdf attachment with a 1- or 2-page proposal (see for guidelines).
Monday, February 10–Friday, February 14, 2025
- Proposal Reviews (scheduled by each student with thesis committee)
- Week 2 of term: International Students Only
- Earliest date to begin OPT authorization process: It is important to plan ahead as processing times for F-1 Post-Completion OPT, by application with USCIS, can take on average 90 days for USCIS to process. J-1 Academic Training requires that a student secure a training position/job that begins within 30 days of degree completion in order to apply for AT authorization.
Friday, March 7, 2025: Add Date
Week 7 or Week 8 (Monday, March 17–Friday, April 4): Mid Reviews (scheduled by each student with thesis committee)
Spring Break: Monday, March 24–Friday, March 28, 2025
- GoogleForm for May Review requests open (remaining open until 4/11)
- May Review Schedule Draft emailed
Friday, April 11, 2025
- Last date to change thesis title via WebSIS
- You must return to the online site of your application and add or make a change to your thesis title by this deadline. The title on your final thesis must be an exact match of the one you submit on your Application for Degree. If you add your title after this date, you will be charged a late fee.
Monday, April 14–Friday, April 18, 2025: Penultimate Reviews (scheduled by each student and committee)
Monday, April 21–Friday, April 25, 2025
- Tuesday, April 22: Drop Date
- Tuesday, April 22: Submit digital information and images about your thesis for the Final Review Pamphlet via Dropbox by 9am: Dropbox link (please reach out to Joél Carela for access issues)
Monday, April 28, 2025–Friday, May 2, 2025
- Review pamphlet proof 5/1–5/2 (due 5pm 5/2). This for typos only: this will not be a time to switch images or content.
- Monday, April 28, 2025: 9am department thesis deadline via the Department Thesis Submission Tool
- (choose “Single Sign On” and log in with your MIT email address)
- Note: Your final thesis book must be reviewed and approved by thesis advisor(s) before submission to the department portal
- If you are having difficulty when logged into Office 365 or Sharepoint under a different log in, try clearing your cache on your browser so that you can log in to the form with your MIT Kerberos account
- This is for the purpose of making certain the document is in compliance with MIT archive requirements. You will be contacted quickly via the portal if adjustments are needed. Please do not email separately
- Dual degree candidates must abide by their home department’s deadlines and protocols (for example, Architecture cannot accept digital copies of the thesis with signatures)
Friday, May 16, 2025
- All theses must be cleared by each department (multiple departments for dual degrees) and submitted to the Institute.
- If a thesis is not approved by this point, the student may be pulled from the May degree list.
Wednesday, May 14 or Thursday, May 15, 2025: Final Reviews
- With invited external critics
Friday, May 23, 2025: Studio Cleanup Deadline
Last week of May 2025
- Wednesday, May 28, 4–6pm (expected)– Architecture Department’s End of Year Celebration / Awards Ceremony on Walker Lawn
- Thursday, May 29 (expected)
- Spring 2025 Thesis students’ degree award date
- SA+P Advanced Degree Ceremony in Kresge Auditorium
- OneMIT Ceremony on Killian Court for all graduates
- More details, as they become available, will be posted on
Formatting, Specifications & Thesis Submission
Important: Consult the Formatting, Specifications and Thesis Submission information page
Approved summer extension
If your thesis advisor(s) approve a summer extension, you would still present in May, but your thesis committee would decide whether that presentation is more of a meeting to discuss your progress or if it will be open to the public and/or have external critics, as we do not have public reviews/external critics over the summer. Some thesis committees request their students to present (usually via Zoom) their final work over the summer, and if this is what is decided, it would be up to the student + thesis committee to schedule. Some thesis committees may just ask the student to submit the final book to be reviewed and graded when it’s complete, without a final presentation of the work.
See Applying for an Extension in the registration section of your handbook: and the Extension Agreement.
- Monday, June 2, 2025: Summer registration for 4.THG
- Around Friday, August 1, 2025: 9am department thesis deadline via the Department Thesis Submission Tool
- Around Friday, August 8, 2025: All theses must be cleared by each department (multiple departments for dual degrees) and submitted to the Institute. If a thesis is not approved by this point, the student may be pulled from the September degree list.
- Around Wednesday, 9/17, 2025: Degree award date
MArch Thesis Contacts
- MArch degree administrator: Kateri Bertin
- MArch thesis coordinator (Fall 2024): Rania Ghosn
- MArch thesis coordinator (Fall 2025): Rosalyne Shieh
- MArch thesis reviews event coordinator: Tessa Haynes
- MArch thesis submission: Kateri Bertin and Tonya Miller
- MArch presentation booklet coordination: Joél Carela